Yiming Dou 窦铱明

Hi! I am a second-year PhD student at the University of Michigan, advised by Prof. Andrew Owens.

I received my B.Eng. with honor and B.Ec. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2023. Prior to that, I worked with Prof. Ruohan Gao as a research intern at Stanford University, supervised by Prof. Jiajun Wu and Prof. Fei-Fei Li. I also worked closely with Prof. Yong-Lu Li and Prof. Cewu Lu during my undergraduate.

My research interests mainly lie in multimodal perception, reasoning and robot learning. Outside of work, I play photography, biking and tennis!

I'm happy to make friends with people from various backgrounds. Feel free to contact my Email or WeChat: 18017112986.

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  • 09/2024: 🥳 Honored to be selected as an Outstanding Reviewer for ECCV 2024!
  • 02/2024: 🎉 Three papers accepted by CVPR 2024! See you in Seattle!
  • 06/2023: 🥳 Graduated from SJTU with honors degree!
  • 04/2023: 🚀 Selected as an SJTU Outstanding Graduate (special commendation).
  • 04/2023: 🥳 I will join Prof. Andrew Owens's group at the University of Michigan as a PhD student this fall. Looking forward to the wonderful life in Ann Arbor!
  • 02/2023: 🎉 One paper accepted by CVPR 2023!
  • Research Interests

    Humans perceive the world with multiple senses, based on which we establish abstract concepts to understand it. From the concepts we develop logical reasoning ability, and thus creating brilliant achievements. Inspired by this, my dream is to design human-like multisensory intelligent systems, which can be divided into four specific problems:

  • Multimodal Perception: how to effectively incorporate multiple modalities into AI systems to make them extract multimodal information from the surrounding world.
  • Concept Learning: how to abstract the perceived information into high-level concepts (e.g., languages or symbols), thus enabling generalizable cross-domain understanding.
  • Reasoning: how to extract relations from scenes and perform causal reasoning on the basis of concepts.
  • Robot Learning: how to enable robots to interact with the real-world environments and humans.
  • Publications

    (* indicates equal contribution)

    Tactile Functasets: Neural Implicit Representations of Tactile Datasets
    Sikai Li, Samanta Rodriguez, Yiming Dou, Andrew Owens, Nima Fazeli
    In submission
    Touch2Touch: Cross-Modal Tactile Generation for Object Manipulation
    Samanta Rodriguez*, Yiming Dou*, Miquel Oller, Andrew Owens, Nima Fazeli
    In submission
    paper · project page
    Tactile-Augmented Radiance Fields
    Yiming Dou, Fengyu Yang, Yi Liu, Antonio Loquercio, Andrew Owens
    CVPR 2024
    paper · project page · code
    Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tactile Representations
    Fengyu Yang*, Chao Feng*, Ziyang Chen*, Hyoungseob Park, Daniel Wang, Yiming Dou, Ziyao Zeng, Xien Chen, Rit Gangopadhyay, Andrew Owens, Alex Wong
    CVPR 2024
    paper · project page · code
    Bridging The Isolated Islands in Human Action Understanding
    Yong-Lu Li*, Xiaoqian Wu*, Xinpeng Liu, Yiming Dou, Yikun Ji, Junyi Zhang, Yixing Li, Jingru Tan, Xudong Lu, Cewu Lu
    CVPR 2024 (Highlight)
    paper · project page · code
    The ObjectFolder Benchmark: Multisensory Learning with Neural and Real Objects
    Ruohan Gao*, Yiming Dou*, Hao Li*, Tanmay Agarwal, Jeannette Bohg, Yunzhu Li, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu
    CVPR 2023
    paper · project page · code · interactive demo · video
    Discovering A Variety of Objects in Spatio-Temporal Human-Object Interactions
    Yong-Lu Li*, Hongwei Fan*, Zuoyu Qiu, Yiming Dou, Liang Xu, Hao-Shu Fang, Peiyang Guo, Haisheng Su, Dongliang Wang, Wei Wu, Cewu Lu
    Tech Report
    paper · code

  • Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), EECS 442: Computer Vision, Fall 2023
  • Service

  • Reviewer for ICLR 2025, AAAI 2025, ECCV 2024, CVPR 2023-2024, ICCV 2023
  • Experience
    University of Michigan
    2023.04 ~ Present
    Ann Arbor, U.S.
    Ph.D. Student in Computer Science and Engineering
    Advisor: Prof. Andrew Owens
    Stanford University
    2022.03 ~ 2023.04
    Stanford, U.S.
    Visiting Research Intern
    Supervisor: Prof. Jiajun Wu and Prof. Fei-Fei Li
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    2019.09 ~ 2023.06
    Shanghai, China
    B.Eng. (Summa Cum Laude) in Computer Science and Technology
    B.Ec. (Minor) in Economics
    Member of Zhiyuan Honors Program
    Supervisor: Prof. Cewu Lu and Prof. Yong-Lu Li
    Selected Honors

  • Outstanding Reviewer, ECCV 2024
  • Zhiyuan Scholarship (top 30 students), SJTU, 2023
  • SJTU Outstanding Graduate(Special Commendation), SJTU, 2023
  • SJTU Overseas Scholarship (two winners at SJTU), SJTU, 2022
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship (top 10%), SJTU, 2022
  • Zhanjiajun Scholarship (six winners at SJTU), SJTU, 2022
  • Meritorious Winner (top 7%), MCM, 2022
  • Merit Student Award (top 5%), SJTU, 2021
  • Zhiyuan Honors Scholarship (top 5%), SJTU, 2019-2022
  • Template from Jon Barron's website
    Last updated on Sep 26, 2024